
Click to view video about Flag Day

Click to view other members of Our 106 who also lost their lives in June of 1944

Photography by Mike Scully
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We are exploring the use of QR codes to provide visitors information about the Richard Kemper Memorial Park.  Our goal is to create a self-guided tour using a smartphone.  We mounted  a few QR coded stickers on objects in the park for anyone to try.  Just use your smartphone camera and scan the code.  Information about that location will open from our Website on your phone.

You can also try these QR codes on your computer with your smartphone. 
Click here to preview what will happen at the Park

Please let us know what you think about this idea. 
Click to Email us

The History of the Richard M. Kemper Memorial Park

An Overview Timeline of Events
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See more information by clicking the History tab above

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23rd Annual Richard Kemper Memorial Contest

Contest Description

Contest Winner
Josephine Bruno

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Contest Winner
Tyler Prozes

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Speakers and Performers

Don Keene

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Richard Cantor

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Click to view slideshow


By Paul Cantor


On the day before Memorial Day 75 years ago the dedication ceremony for Richard Kemper Memorial Park took place at Mamaroneck High School in Mamaroneck, New York.


Richard Kemper, a former MHS student and my uncle, was killed on August 6, 1944, exactly two months after D-Day.   He was killed in the Battle of the Hedgerows, the effort to drive the Germans out of France during World War II.  Subsequently my grandparents, Adolph and Helen Kemper, purchased land outside the High School and turned it into a memorial where they and others might come to honor those who fought to defend our country and the enlightenment values embodied in our founding documents. 


And by situating the memorial outside the high school Richard had attended they hoped it would motivate teachers and students to address questions related to how to create a just and peaceful world.  Nevertheless, when  Colonel Bernard Lentz, the former commander of Fort Slocum in New York, thanked them at the dedication ceremony on May 26, 1947 for ensuring “the heroes of yesterday will not be pushed out of our recollection or the recollection of the generations of boys and girls who will be receiving the blessings of liberty in the shape of an American common school education” he did not mention that he shared their hope that the sacrifices made by Richard and others who died fighting fascism would inspire educators and students to address questions related to putting an end to wars and the threat of wars. 


Fortunately, however, six months later, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the “common standard of achievement” they should aim for.  Specifically, it stipulated that “every individual and every organ of society” should “strive by teaching and education to promote respect” for human rights and that educators should “promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.”


So where are we today?  Today Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is threatening to use nuclear weapons in his war against the NATO supported armed forces of Ukraine and, according to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, “we are facing the highest number of violent conflicts since 1945.” Clearly educators in our country and around the world have failed to do the job my grandparents and so many others who lost loved ones in wars past and present called and call on them to do.  They have failed, in short, to motivate their best students to address the issue of how to create a just and peaceful world order with the same rigor they use to address issues in the hard sciences and mathematics.


“Education,” as Nelson Mandela noted, is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”  We used it, for instance, to train the scientists who helped put our footprints on the moon and iPhones in our hands.  We, and other countries too, used it to train scientists who put nuclear weapons in our arsenals.  But we and others have yet to use it to develop the laws and enforcement mechanisms needed to eliminate the existential threat those weapons embody.  In order to do that we need educators to motivate our best students to address human rights issues with the same rigor they address issues in the hard sciences.


That is something I, and I hope others, will be thinking about today as we celebrate our service women and men past and present who sacrificed their lives in defense of a world order where everyone everywhere shares the rights enumerated in our Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights as well as the UDHR and many other related human rights documents. 


Paul Cantor is the President of the Kemper Human Rights Education Foundation. This year is the 23rd year the foundation has sponsored human rights essay contests.   For more information about KHREF, the question it is posing this year, and the prizes it offers go to

Click here to download "Memorial Day Memories"

Thanks to your generous donations we have reached our goal and planted 6 White Pine trees!

Come see our new White Pine trees

Signs of Spring at the Park!

A Personal Account of D-Day
by Jim Levy
(Charles Kemper's roommate at Duke)

Click here to read more

Dr. Charles A. Kemper,
cousin of Richard M. Kemper and
life long friend of the Richard M. Kemper Memorial Park,
passes away at 103

Click here for more about Charles' life

World War II Veteran Lee Fadem Visits Hommocks Middle School 7th Graders

Click to view slideshow

Charles Kemper celebrates his 103rd birthday on December 29th, 2022
Click here for more information

Photos by Chris DeVito

Click to view slideshow

75th Anniversary

May 25, 2022

Past, present, and future merged at the rededication ceremony held in Kemper Memorial Park on May 25th.  Exactly 75 years before, on May 25, 1947, the Park was officially accepted by the Mamaroneck School District as a gift from the family of Adolph Kemper, whose son, Lt. Richard Kemper, died during the Normandy Campaign in France.   

The rededication ceremony, marking the Park’s 75th anniversary, was organized to mirror the original ceremony as closely as possible, including the School District’s symbolic acceptance of the gift once again.  MHS students participating in the annual Kemper Contest this year were given a quote from the original dedication ceremony and asked if those words still have meaning today.  The winning essay and poem both conveyed that they do.   

The ceremony also focused on the Park’s future.  On display were four new metal tablets that will soon be installed over the original engravings on the monument, which have deteriorated over time.  They were created to ensure that the names of the Kemper honorees will be clearly visible for at least the next 75 years.  Additionally, a hard drive containing the complete history of the Park from its inception until now will be buried behind the monument.  This time capsule will be unearthed on the Park’s 100th Anniversary in 2047.  

Linking generations has always been a major goal of the Kemper Memorial Park Preservation Fund and the Rededication Ceremony was a further example of our success.  As always, we are grateful for the support that enabled us to do it.   

We encourage you to view the entire ceremony below so you too can take pride in being part of a community that keeps its promise to honor those who sacrificed everything for us.


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Park Rededication Ceremony

Click to play video
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3

Special thanks to LMC-TV for recording this video

Village of Mamaroneck - American Legion Post 90
Memorial Day Parade

Click to view video


Mark your calendar

This year marks the 75th Anniversary of the Dedication Ceremony for Kemper Memorial Park.

Following the death of his son, Lt. Richard Kemper during the Normandy Campaign in France, Adolph Kemper purchased the land and financed the construction to create Kemper Memorial Park and the Monument honoring his son and the other residents of the Mamaroneck and Larchmont communities who perished in World War II.  The Park was then bequeathed to the Mamaroneck School District to remain, in perpetuity, as a memorial to the sacrifices made by those individuals to preserve our freedom. 

Our community has seen many changes during the seventy-five years that have passed since the May 25,1947 dedication ceremony, but what remains steadfast is our promise to honor the memory of the members of that past generation who sacrificed so much for us.  To reinforce that commitment, we invite you to attend The Kemper Memorial Park Rededication Ceremony on May 25 at 3:15 p.m.  At that time, you will hear the donor’s original wish for the Park’s future and The Mamaroneck School District’s vow to honor it.  Additionally,  you will see the results of the collaboration between the School District and the Kemper Memorial Park Preservation Fund to beautify and enhance the Park for school and community use. 

The Rededication Ceremony will be held in Kemper Memorial Park, weather permitting, and moved indoors to the Mamaroneck High School Auditorium if necessary.  We hope you can join us!




Name Place of Death Date of Death Status Place of Burial
Richard J. Shea Fort Hughes, Caballo Island, Philippines Wednesday, May 6, 1942 Killed by bomb splinter Tablets of the Missing, Manila Amer Cem, Manila, Phili
Wilbur R. Buckingham Gustav Line near Mt. Cassino, Italy Friday, May 12, 1944 KIA  
John J. Marsella Anzio Beach, Italy Friday, May 26, 1944 KIA Zachary Taylor National Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky
John Joseph Sganga Off coast of Okinawa Friday, May 4, 1945   Tablets of the Missing, Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu, Hawaii
Duncan McLaren Crane Okinawa Sunday, May 6, 1945 KIA  
Robert Edward Frye, Sr. Okinawa Wednesday, May 9, 1945 KIA National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific
Kenneth John Foster Okinawa Thursday, May 10, 1945 KIA  
Woodrow Wilson Johns Okinawa Saturday, May 12, 1945    
Sam Paonessa Davao, Mindanao, Philippines Wednesday, May 23, 1945 KIA  
Clark A. Neal Kawasaki, Japan Friday, May 25, 1945 M  
Thomas Sullivan Off coast of Okinawa Monday, May 28, 1945 KIA Tablets of the Missing, Honolulu

Click name to view profile




By Paul Cantor


Dr. Charles Kemper, the Bird Man of Chippewa Falls and Richard Kemper’s first cousin will be 103 on December 29, 2022.  Charles was a flight surgeon in the Pacific in World War II, a country doctor for 40 years after the war, an editor of the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology, president of the Inland Bird Banding Association, author of Birds of Chippewa Land and founder of the Kemper Woods wildlife preserve ( 


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Mamaroneck High School Veterans Day Ceremony

Lawrence J. Thaul playing Taps by the Richard M. Kemper Memorial

Samantha Moore and Erin Jaeger manned the Clubmobile are sitting on bench dedicated to Anne Kathleen "Kay" Cullen

A miniature Clubmobile model

WWII Red Cross Clubmobiles and Kay Cullen

We recently received a digital book from a gentleman in Spain about the WWII Red Cross Clubmobiles. Kay Cullen, one of the Park's honorees, was serving on one when she was killed in a bomb explosion at the hospital in Belgium where she was staying. He also sent an image of a postcard her group sent the family of one of the soldiers.

Click to view the Virtual Meet & Greet

For the past few years, on Veteran’s Day, the Kemper Memorial Park Preservation Fund has sponsored a Meet and Greet Event between students and veterans at the Richard M. Kemper Park on the Mamaroneck High School campus. The students benefited tremendously from this event and we hope that the veterans enjoyed it as well. Due to Covid-19, we decided once again to hold the event virtually on our website.

Click here to submit a video

Mamaroneck High School Veterans Day Ceremony

Lawrence J. Thaul playing Taps by the Richard M. Kemper Memorial

Samantha Moore and Erin Jaeger manned the Clubmobile are sitting on bench dedicated to Anne Kathleen "Kay" Cullen

A miniature Clubmobile model

WWII Red Cross Clubmobiles and Kay Cullen

We recently received a digital book from a gentleman in Spain about the WWII Red Cross Clubmobiles. Kay Cullen, one of the Park's honorees, was serving on one when she was killed in a bomb explosion at the hospital in Belgium where she was staying. He also sent an image of a postcard her group sent the family of one of the soldiers.

The History Channel's series, History's Greatest Mysteries called Expedition Bermuda Triangle
with Laurence Fishburne. Episode 1 of Season 2, has a whole segment
(about 47 minutes in the video)
about George Paonessa with photos of him and the telegram his family received after his death.

Stephen Colbert speaks about his uncle 1st Lt. Andrew Edward Tuck II
during a CNN interview on June 6, 2014

Learn more about Andrew Edward Tuck III by clicking his name in the
Profiles of Honorees area of our site

Following the Footsteps of My Father
A touching story about Master Sgt. Roddie Edmonds experiences
during The Battle of the Bulge

Click to view video
Medicine Under Canvas is a wonderful video depicting
how the medical units operated during WWII.  It includes
a brief segment about one of our honorees,
Anne Kathleen "Kay" Cullen.
Video made by Dan Ginivan and released by the
University of Kansas Medical Center.


Click here to view video


Click here to view the slideshow
See our beautiful garden beds thanks to all the donations made by Larchmont Nurseries
and the loving care of Jeff Gibson and the MUFSD Grounds crew

Click here to view video and learn more about Flag Day!

Click here to view video


 See the Park in all it's Glory

Click to view video

Video by Mark Schumer & Music played by Mat Schumer


 The Angels of Bataan: The World War II Nurses Who  
Survived Three Years in a Japanese Prison Camp

Original Post: May 12, 2019 by Katherine

Click here for more information



Photos by Mark and Jane Schumer

Click to view more photos

Boy Scouts hold meeting at Kemper Memorial Park

Boy Scout Troop 2 hold their meeting at the Park
under the direction of Scout Leader John Sykes
Click here for video

Click here to view video

 Latest Information Regarding
the New Rochelle Naval Armory

The lawsuit filed in 2019 by local veterans against the city of New Rochelle and developer,
Twining Properties, has been dismissed by the State Supreme Court.
Click here for more information

Veterans History Project Interview with
Dr. Max Eagelfeld

Click here to view video

See Our New Plaques

Many thanks to Jeff and his crew, Inmar and Jose, who installed the beautiful plaques. 
A special thank you to Chris who crafted the stones for the plaques.

Farewell to a Dear Friend

Click here for the video

Click for obituary

Signs of Spring at the Park

Flashback to Memorial Day 2016

Our Veterans' Stories 

Here is Jim Camera's second entry!

Intro to Passage of Solitude

Passage of Solitude

Do you have work you would like to share? 
Click here to let us know.

A Snowy Day at the Park

Photo by Mark and Janie Schumer

See Our New Sign

Click to see video

Our New Rock Garden


Newest Additions

Glorious brand new azalea bed that has been created in front of the "lunch" rock
on the West Side of the Memorial Park and along the fence are rhododendron. 
Jeff and his crew did a fabulous job with the generous donation from Larchmont Nurseries.

Outdoor Education!

Mamaroneck High School music teacher Tim Hooker finds the
Park a perfect place to hold his band classes

Photo by Mark & Jane Schumer

See the enhancements to the Scout Garden

Click here to view video
Photos/Video by Mark, Jane and Mat Schumer

Girl Scouts create homemade ornaments
honoring the 101 Heroes for tree decorating contest

Please click here to read more about this event and who was declared the winner!

Click to view video

Press Release

Fall is coming!!!

Click here to view video

Memorial Park serves as a classroom!

A MHS reading class taking advantage of the beautiful Kemper Memorial Park grounds, on a wonderful sunny day.
They expressed their gratitude for the work done in the park and the maintenance of the gardens.

The Park is in full bloom!

Once again we extend a very special thank you to Jeff Gibson and his crew
for their TLC of the Park especially during their revised schedules and with these drought conditions

See our Timeline in the History area!

Click here for new information on war correspondent and USMC Staff Sgt. Solomon Israel Blechman. It was sent in a message to us by a Marine and author/historian Bryan Mark Rigg.


When you can't be at the Memorial Park,
please celebrate with us, virtually. 

Click to view video

Spring is here!!!

Photos by Mark Schumer

The Park is in full bloom!

Once again we extend a very special thank you to Jeff Gibson and his crew
for their TLC of the Park especially during their revised schedules and with these drought conditions

When you can't be at the Memorial Park,
please celebrate with us, virtually. 

Click to view video

Spring is here!!!

Photos by Mark Schumer

Getting Ready for Spring!!!

Our Lilac Bush was planted by Joanne Grossman

Photo taken by Mark Schumer

Special thanks to Jeff Gibson and his crew for all their hard work.

Hommocks' Students Annual Gathering with Our Veterans


Mamaroneck High School Veterans Day Ceremony 2019

Click to view video

War Memorials at Mamaroneck High School

Produced by MHS Junior Anna Daum & Senior Amelia Bohn


Spring Has Finally Arrived At The Memorial Park 2019

Our Sign Is Up!


Annual Richard Kemper Memorial Contest 2019

Click to view video of the Veteran's Day ceremony at Mamaroneck High School


Hommocks Students Celebrating Veterans Day
at Kemper Memorial Park 2018

1st graders from the Daniel Warren School in the Rye Neck School District, thank the veterans for their service.

Bill Fraser and his WWII Jeep

Click to view video 

The Kemper Memorial Garden Project

Click to view video of Erin Byron's 9th graders visiting the Kemper Memorial Garden

Tony Marsella

The Mamaroneck community has lost a great citizen and World War II veteran: Tony Marsella died on August 6th. He was a supporter of Kemper Memorial Park for many decades and a member of the Board of Directors of the Kemper Memorial Park Preservation Fund.

Tony was arguably the human face of the fight to preserve the Richard M. Kemper Memorial Park, as his brother John perished in the War and is one of the 101 honorees on the memorial stone. Tony was able to spend time in the Park to grieve for his brother Pvt. John J. Marsella, US Army, who was killed in action on the Anzio beachhead in Italy on May 26, 1944. A graduate of Mamaroneck High School, John was only 21 when he died and was awarded the Purple Heart.

Tony's decades-long advocacy for the preservation of the Park was tremendously effective. May he rest in peace and may we who cared for him be comforted by fond memories of him.

Please click the In Memoriam tab for more information

An interview with Denise Sevean and Her World War II Memories

Click here to view the interview

Long time Larchmont resident Denise Sevean grew up in France in the 30s and 40s and was a small girl during World War II. She shared her memories of the Nazi Occupation and its effect on her family in this interview with Vicky Amon, Jan Northrup and Karen Bonaparte. 

Hommocks Students Celebrating Veterans Day 2017
at Kemper Memorial Park


Village of Mamaroneck Memorial Day Celebration

Korea DMZ vet Ray Fiorentino and WWII vets Jack Coughlin, Joe Germano and Sheldon Evans salute the American flag.

 Bench Dedication Ceremony
July 4, 2017

Bench honoree Cal Schlick, Joanne Falinski, KMPPF President Jan
Northrup and VFW Post 1156 Commander Burt Corwin
Folks gather for the bench dedication ceremony on July 4, 2017

The Park's New Irrigation System

 Kemper Memorial Park Award Ceremony

Videos of Memorial Day 2017 Events
(Videos recorded by LMC-TV)

  Click here to read the May 2017 Newsletter    

 Norman Rockwell Returns to Mamaroneck High School
See the display of the original Saturday Evening Post magazines with
Norman Rockwell's work entitled Four Freedoms.

Click to watch the concert 

With the generosity of Larchmont Nurseries and the efforts of Jeff Gibson and his crew we now have an incredible shade garden among the White Pines.

MHS students enjoying the park

Thanks to Eagle Scout candidate Robert Britto, his team of scouts, family, and friends for creating a beautiful garden on the southeast side of Kemper Park.


Memorial Day 2016

Fall at the Memorial
Photo by Mike Scully

Beautification 2015

Week Four

Week Three

(still photo)

Week Two

Week One

Memorial  Day Parade 2015

Clip from Saving Private Ryan

Sunday, November 17th at 3:30 p.m.
(click for more information)

Planting Flowers with the help of our Boy Scouts!
Photos by Mike Scully

Memorial  Day Parade 2013

Earth Day at the Park - Thank you Daisies!!

Hommocks 6th graders from Girl Scout Troop 2525 relax after working to clean up the flower beds surrounding the monument and flagpole at the Richard M. Kemper Park. Girl Scout Troop 2525 prepare the beds for the planting of flowers around the flagpole and monument at the Richard M. Kemper Park.

Left to right front: Jadalyn Ortiz, Darcy Tyler, Ruby Odierna
Left to right back: Ava Menachery, Mackenzie Coyne, Michaela Gualano, Corin Synder 

Ruby Odierna, Mackenzie Coyne, Jadalyn Ortiz and Darcy Tyler

Darcy Tyler, Jadalyn Ortiz of Girl Scout Troop 2525 and John Esposito from the Kemper Memorial Park Preservation Fund clean up the flower beds surrounding the monument at the Richard M. Kemper Park for Earth Day. Darcy Tyler, Mackenzie Coyne, Ruby Odierna, Ava Menachery, Jadalyn Ortiz, Corin Synder, Michaela Gualano from Girl Scout Troop 2525 relax in front of the monument in the Richard M. Kemper Park at Mamaroneck High School. The girls are all 6th graders at Hommocks Middle School.

Actual footage

Spotlight on North Platte Canteen:

When the "Greatest Generation" passed through North Platte, Nebraska during WWII, they got a hug and a handshake, homemade cakes and cookies, and a moment of respite and prayer provided by thousands of volunteers from the surrounding communities.  Click the image below to see a video* about this event.

This may take a few moments to appear

This is an edited version of the video.  The original video
can be viewed on YouTube.  Click here to see it.

Click here to listen to Charles Ives' - He is there (1917)

(Mac version small - very large)



Veterans Day Ceremony
November 8, 2011

Click here to read speeches


Veterans Day Ceremony
November 11, 2010

Veterans Day Ceremony
November 10, 2009

Click here to see video

Read more about it in the Press Releases area

Memorial Day Ceremony
May 30, 2009
Wreaths Across America
December 11, 2008 Visit